Jack Keene
from 1962 to 1997
An Environmental Impact Study
1962 Jesse Jones High School Senior Houston, TX
1976 Somewhere in Texas
1997 Dallas, TXWhen you graduate from High School you figure you know it all or at least the important stuff. Hopefully, 40+ years later you know better.
If you remember a couple of things you will see the world better and enjoy it more.
To quote famous philosophers:"What? Me worry?" - Alfred E. Neuman"
"Tomorrow is another day." - Scarlet O'Hara
"A smile is good medicine, a chuckle better and a good laugh the best of all." - Me
Some of my other web bytes are:
Texas IGKT
Whatknot 2000
Other important links:
flickr - My Photography
Daspit Family Ties - We go Way Back
Generic Web Page - Keene Web Consortium