In the summer of 1992
at a Scout Jamboree held in Great Britain, a troop from These Varig, Sweden
established a "record" by tying knots in spaghetti to make up
a 150 meter length.
Now you may
think this a bit on the silly side. However, the objective of Scouting
is to have fun ......... isn't it? A non-practical approach to a practical
Scout skill is frequently the right path.
Here are a
few directions you can take with this unconventional medium:
- 1. Challenge --
a research project -- What do you know? Determine the most practical knot
to tie lengths of spaghetti together. Is it the sheet bend, square knot,
zeppelin, Hunters Bend..........................?
- 2. If you cooked
it right ..... it sticks. Make knot cards by sticking the results to index
cards. Note: these can be a bit fragile after they dry.
- 3. Patrol challenge
... each patrol is given a bowl of spaghetti and ties against the clock
(you choose a time) to achieve the greatest length.
- 4. Patrol challenge
... Can you tie the six basic scout knots with spaghetti?
If all else fails
you can eat your mistakes ..... sometimes it can be OK to play with your
What is the
best way to prepare the spaghetti? The way you would normally cook it,
without the sauce of course.